Thursday, 11 April 2013

Final magazine advert

Final magazine advert

This is my final magazine advert that I have created for my album 'Blonde Louis'. I am very happy with the overall advertisement as it conforms to real media products. I wanted to keep the same image from the front cover of the album to the poster, which is a method lots of artists use. This is to increase the brand identity of my band as the repetitive image makes people recognise the band and their album. 

I wanted the text to be the same throughout the poster as this links in with the brand identity it also it gives uniformity to the image. Moreover I wanted to add ratings onto the poster from critics to show the professionalism of the band. It is also advisory for the audience hopefully persuading them to buy the album. 

The use of interactivity was a key element when creating my advertisement. Convergence is very important for both consumer and produces so I wanted to add a QRCode so the target audience or person interested in buying the album can can it on their iPhone and it makes buying the album instant. 

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