Friday 6 July 2012

Indie Genre

Indie music, often known as Independent music, is a relatively new genre of music. Indie originated in the 1980's 1990's in America and Britain. They got the name 'independent' as originally the artists or bands didn't send their music away to a record label but instead they came up a concept, produced and distributed their own music. However during the 1990's more artists opted for a low budget record label but they were still allowed to keep their independence. They also were allowed to explore sounds and emotions which underlines the main themes of the indie genre today.

In the 2000's indie had a niche audience, mainly teenages who wanted to rebel and move way from ordinary and mainstream music such as rock and pop. However in the late 2000's indie music became more mainstream as a wider audience wanted to express a new style but it became more popular than people thought it would. Below there are some images of the indie genre.

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